Rats in the Attic

Nest of Animals in the Attic

Animals in the attic frequently create nests. Squirrels, rats, mice, raccoons, and birds all make nests when they live in the attic and have young.

Animal Nest in Attic

Sometimes when you find a wild animal in your attic, there will be babies present. This is common since mother animals search for a secure place to raise their young that will offer protection from the elements and predators alike. While it makes perfect sense for the animals, it makes removing the animals and cleaning up even harder. Whether the nest is from a rodent, bird, squirrel, or other animal, you will need to follow similar steps to get the nesting material out of your attic.

Rat Nest in Attic - Nest of Baby Rats

Bird Nest In Attic

Here's a nest in an attic, created by Starlings, which were able to fly in through an open air duct. This type of nest is easy to remove by hand and put in a large plastic bag.

Squirrel Nest In Attic

Here is a baby squirrel amongst a very large pile of nesting debris, such as grass and leaves, which a squirrel has brought into an attic. This can be a fire hazard.

Information About Nest in the Attic

Make Sure Animals Are Gone
Before you can get the nesting material out of your attic, you need to take the time to confirm that the animals are all gone. Depending on the animal in question, you will likely have to wait until the babies have grown enough to leave by themselves, such is the case with bats, who are protected animals. Once bats, squirrels, possum, or other similar young animals have grown, you can get the mother and babies out of your attic using the exclusion method. In the case of certain animals, an expert can trap or exclude the mother animal and physically pick up and remove the babies to be reunited with their mom. No matter the type of animal you are dealing with, be sure that they are completely gone before you start to remove the nesting material. You should also have sealed up the animals’ entry points so you don’t have to worry about more animals coming inside and adding to the mess you clean.

Safety Precautions
Always take safety precautions when removing nesting materials in the attic. This means you should wear gloves at a minimum and ideally a filter mask, long sleeves, and pants as well. Any material you remove should be at least double bagged for safety as well. After you are done cleaning, remove your gloves, wash your clothing in warm water, and bathe thoroughly with soap and water.

Clean The Area
In terms of actually removing the nesting material, the process is fairly straightforward. You can remove the larger pieces by hand with your gloves on, preferably still handling it through another layer like a rag or paper towel. You can vacuum up droppings and other small items. At the end, be sure to sanitize the entire attic with an enzymatic cleaner. Consider using a fogging machine so the cleaner reaches every nook and cranny in the attic. To make life easier, you can also just hire an expert to remove the nesting materials and clean your attic for you.