Bat Bugs: Risks and Removal

Bat bugs are very much like bed bugs, except they live on bats, just as the name suggests. In fact, the two types of bugs are incredibly similar -- they had the same ancestors. One species went galavanting around the world, latching on to humans and becoming bed bugs. The other species stayed in caves, latching on to bats, hence the name.

Bed bugs eat humans, bat bugs eat bats. If you have an invasion of bats in your attic, let's say, there's a good chance you'll be looking t bat bugs being in your home too. It will only be a matter of time before they make they way into the main frame of your home, and again, it won't be long until they're infesting beds and other furniture items and soft furnishings around your home.

If you have noticed bat bugs (or bed bugs), you should check in the attic. These bugs have gotten in from somewhere, and there's a good chance that somewhere is from the bats in the attic. You won't ever be able to get rid of the bat bugs until you get rid of the bugs, and a nuisance wildlife control operator will be able to solve the original bat problem.

Powders, sprays and more can all be used to remove bat bugs, much in the same way as you can rid your home of bed bugs. Once the bats themselves have been evicted from the property, the hungry bat bugs left behind will start to look for other sources of food, and that's when they'll latch on to pets and humans. You will need to stop this from happening.

If you have come across a bat problem, we would highly recommend buying yourself some bat bug protection too. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and to carry on with the cliches, prevention is most definitely better than cure.

Learn more about Bats in the attic